The band was founded back in 1944 by a group of railway workers. Since then we have grown in size and musical ability. We strive to entertain our audiences with a range of musical styles.

Private Functions

We take great pride in our work with individuals and small groups, and have played at a variety of private fuctions over the years, including weddings, sports events, and more. We can provide ensembles of a range of sizes, up to and including a full 28-piece band with percussion, and would be deighted to discuss your requirements. If you're interested in booking us for your event, we warmly invite you to get in contact with us via the link below.

Contact Us


Summer and Autumn Concerts

We enjoy performing at events across the region. We are a fixture of Exeter Quay's summer performance series, and have appeared in Newton Abbot's Courtney Park. Our 75th Anniversary Concert was held in 2019 to a packed-out St. David's Church, Exeter, and in November 2021 we performed at the Exeter Mint Methodist Centre to celebrate the return of live brass music after the lockdowns of 2020. If you would like to Book us for your event.
Click here


Christmas and Festive Events

The Christmas period is always a busy one for brass bands, and the Railway Band is no exception. We're to be found most weekends in December playing carols outside supermarkets in Exeter, and are delighted to have longstanding arrangements with a number of local organisations to appear at their Christmas events. These include Exeter Cathedral, where we perform at the Lord Mayor's annual Carol Service; Sidmouth Donkey Sanctuary, where we add our warm sound to the 'Carols by Candlelight' evening; and St. Mary's Church in Seaton, where we're welcomed for an end-of-year concert. In 2021, we were pleased to be able to provide an online component for each of the former two events.

Contests and Competitions

Like many brass bands, one of the key dates in our year comes around every March, when we compete in the Regional Championships organised by the West of England Brass Band Association (WEBBA). These 'contests' - in which multiple bands play the same piece one after the other, and are assessed anonymously by a panel of judges - provide an opportunity to develop musicianship, and to focus in depth on a single suite in order to prepare it to competition standard. We returned to competition in 2016, after a lengthy hiatus, and earned promotion to the Third Section in 2019.

Click Here for our contest results